Relationship Coaching
Client Story
This feedback was written by the wife of a married couple who had had just 3 sessions at this point. They had one as a couple, and one each individually.
"Our marriage was on the rocks, well more than that. I'd had enough in December and waited til after the New Year with events already booked. Then my life was on stand by as my accommodation wasn't ready. I was moving to a static caravan to see which path to take and do some deep meaningful decisions. The Universe told me something else. Then we had the lockdown. In between all of that we lost 2 dogs within a month. Heartbreaking and I felt I didn't have any support from my husband.
That was the end I was fed up and may as well live on my own. But we were stuck with each other during lockdown.
I saw on FB Jane advertising Marriage Coaching. Something resonated with me. While in lockdown we were bickering, being nasty to each other, I felt I'd been taken for granted for years and he was taking no notice of me for who I was for who I am. I was part of the furniture and I was crying everyday. I couldn't see a way out.
This was our last chance.
OMG I can't describe how helpful this was on our first session.
It's not about all of your past, well some, she needs a background to work from. But we didn't have to go into massive detail about our lives. Jane gave us homework to do after analyzing which path we could take. There was no question of did we want to be together or not!
We did the homework both participating and it started to work. We were a couple again sort of.
A week later we had solo meetings and after my husband's session he was a changed man. He was the guy I first met. He became more attentive, listened to me without butting in, we can have a proper, comfortable, nice conversation and not point the finger at each other. We still struggle with complimenting each other, but we are getting there.
We know there is still a lot of uphill work to do. Now that we've had another catch up with Jane we can see we still need support or we'll go back to the way we were. We both agree that without Jane's intervention neither of us would be at this stage of our new relationship.
Jane has been the liason we needed for us both to see the other persons point of view without it feeling like we were lecturing each other.
I felt I was talking to myself, being taken for granted, Whatever I said I was putting him down or so he felt. If you feel on your own/one sided in your relationship and something says you still want to be with the person but that person is not listening to you. Jane's Coaching Session will put the Magic back! (even when you think there's nothing left)
I would definetely recommend Jane. And it works well on Zoom so no travelling.
This has saved our Marriage and we are both Happy in each others company
Thank you so much Jane x"