Relationship Coaching
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you recommend packages of sessions?
I prefer my clients to commit to a journey where new habits are formed., new knowledge is gained and a new way of being in the relationship has been created. This takes time and so packages of sessions allow this. It also helps couples to stay committed to the process, creates clarity on what is to be expected and it gives reassurance to your partner that you are serious about making changes.
I do offer single sessions however, if you are new to coaching you may want to try it first before booking a package.
If you decided to go ahead with a package after your single session then the cost of the single session would be deducted off the cost of your package if booked within 2 days following the session.
Do you see people online or in-person?
I am happy to be able to offer either in-person or online sessions.
Do we get support in between session?
Yes, I offer email support and emergency phone calls where necessary.
What if my partner does not want to attend?
Coaching can be for just one partner and still be very effective. I often coach individuals seeking clarity in their relationship. You can start coaching on your own with a view to your partner joining later on the the process if they become open to the idea. (Which they often do.)
Will our sessions be together or separate?
The initial session or two will be together, followed by sessions for you both individually and couples sessions again after that.
What can I expect in a session?
The initial session will be about me getting to know you, your partner and your situation better. We will look at what you would like to gain from coaching. In the following sessions, we will work to create more understanding and clarity for you both and also we will use strategies to start creating change. Honesty is essential for the process to be at its most effective. We will look at what each of you needs and wants, create a goal and work towards you both achieving that goal with as much ease as possible.
How long does it take to notice a change in our relationship?
When couples are both committed and put their best self into the process, they can see changes from the first or second session.
How long are the sessions?
90 minutes to 2 hours
Can we continue working with you after the package has ended?
Yes, when you have completed the term of your package, we will look at what you have achieved within your relationship and see what you would like to achieve going forward. If you would like more sessions, these are available either individually for couples who want upkeep sessions, or you can book another package at a reduced rate.
What is our role in coaching?
The clients who get the most powerful results:
Make their relationship a priority and have a willingness to change.
Commit to the work and the journey they are about to embark upon and understand the necessity of committing to the initial weekly and bi-weekly sessions.
I lead the sessions and set the pace, and they do their best to fulfil agreed action plans and goals.
Are willing and able to take responsibility for their choices, actions, behaviours and part in the relationship.
Attend sessions with a curious intention of gaining clarity and understanding.
Always attend their sessions on time and make them an absolute priority.
Understand and accept that I will sometimes challenge their perspective, though I will not take sides.
Do their best to empathise with their partner and are able to show that they care about their feelings and well being.
Want to focus on the present and future more than the past.